by Sid Baglini
Saturday, June 3, 2023, 8:45 P.M.
NEW MEETING PLACE: Lawn Behind the Library! See below for parking information.

This month’s Full Moon always makes my mouth water! The Strawberry Moon is named for the fruit that is ripening in the fields just down Sugartown Road or being sold out early at the Farmer’s Market. You may also find wild strawberries growing in your lawn and if you don’t use pesticides or herbicides on your property, you can add them to your cereal or yogurt. While they are tiny, quite seedy and not as sweet as commercial berries, they are perfectly safe to eat and give you the satisfaction of foraging for your food.
Speaking of fruit, the Algonquin’s Strawberry Moon was known to the Mohawks as The Fruits Are Small Moon. The Cherokee called this The Green Corn Moon. We also have names derived from European and Colonial experiences which include The Mead Moon for the popular drink which was common at the many June weddings. Of course, they gave rise to another name–The Honeymoon. Since the beginning of June wasn’t all fun and games, we can’t leave out The Hoer Moon, a nod toward the unending need to tend the garden and kill the weeds. References to The Egg Laying Moon and The Birth Moon reflect the prodigious new life during this time year. Finally, there is The Hot Moon in contrast to last winter’s Cold Moon.
Unlike last month, we will not overlap with any Meteor Shower but Venus is a captivating sight in the western sky from dusk into the dark of night. It will be joined by Mars, Saturn and Jupiter so we should have an interesting evening sky to light our way.
Since Malvern Arts is no longer housed at the Baptist Church, starting this month we will be meeting on the lawn behind Borough Hall which is just across First Avenue from the church parking lot, where we used to meet. Please park along First Avenue or in the library parking lot.
We hope you can join us for our walk which will include some fresh strawberries and, weather permitting, some serious Moon gazing.