Norm & Sid Baglini
Alice Bangs
Joe & Sarah Bones
Peter DeLaurier
Frederick & Jeanette Disque
Peter Druian
Jules Epstein & Isla Fruchter
Danny Fruchter & Alda Cortese
Lee Hiers
Steve Iocobucci
David Knies
Kurt & Isabel Leininger
Ajene Livingston
Pat Marcozzi
Leora Marion
Steve Novelli
Scott & Cecilia Oswald
Anne Praino
Helen Rehl
Joe Rubino
Connie Scanga
Nancy Schill
Nancy Shils
Paul & Margaret Sidlick
John & Barb Spellman
Iliana Tati
Tom Teti
Fundraising efforts have resumed with in-person programming, and we are currently focused on raising the $1,800/month cost of renting the gathering spaces in the education building of the First Baptist Church. Won’t you join your generous neighbors to help build something new and special for Malvern, by making a contribution in any amount? All contributions are tax-deductible, and can be made payable to: Malvern Arts, 146 Channing Avenue, Malvern, PA 19355. If you are a business and would like special recognition, please contact Danny Fruchter at 484-318-3462 or