There’ll be Music, Moonlit Strolls, Plays, Films, Textiles, Visual Art and Fiction!
Sundays, March 5th & 19th at 6:00 pm
Community Choir

Malvern Arts is forming a high quality community choir. This is a special opportunity to work on music from many genres with Renee Robinson-Way, a professional director, arranger, vocalist, accompanist and vocal coach. Come sing with us!
Tuesday, March 7th at 6:45 pm
Walk When the Moon is Full

We invite you to join us for our final winter Moon Walk. We’ll be looking for some early signs of spring as we celebrate another lunar light show. Remember to check the Malvern Arts website for a cancellation if weather conditions threaten to make walking dangerous. We will meet in the parking lot of the Baptist Church, at the corner of First Avenue and Channing Avenue.
Wednesday, March 8th at 7:00 pm
Play Reading

Do you enjoy reading plays? So do we! Plays are chosen and announced ahead of time, so you can familiarize yourselves with the material. This program is for adults and teens, no experience required. Listeners are also welcome – there is no obligation to read.
This month we will read the first act of Luigi Pirandello’s Henry IV, A Version Translated and Adapted by Louis Lippa. Lou Lippa, our late good friend and colleague, was for many years the Playwright in Residence at People’s Light. He did a number of translation/adaptations of Luigi Pirandello’s plays and, in my opinion, reclaimed them for the American theatre. They are clever, funny, and very moving. This work of Lou’s was never produced. This reading will be only the second it has had. I greatly look forward to sharing it with you. We will read only the first act this month. Be sure you are on the list for the reading and we will email you a .pdf of the whole script. You’ll be asked to print out only the first act for Wednesday night. See you then. — Peter DeLaurier
Thursday, March 9th at 7:15 pm
Forgotten Films

This month we’ll view another Academy Award-winning Best Picture, Chariots of Fire (1981), starring Ben Cross and Ian Charleston. This historical sports drama is based on the true story of Eric Liddell and Harold Abrahams, British runners training and competing in the 1924 Olympics. Featuring iconic soundtrack by Vangelis.
Please note the date change for March; we will resume in April on the first Wednesday of the month.
Tuesday, March 14th at 3:00 pm
Malvern Arts Textiles

Do you love any form of needlework—or would you like to learn? Join us each month for a delightful afternoon of stitching, conversation, and refreshments. If you’ve never held a needle, are a master of needle skills, or somewhere in-between, if you’re interested, you will be welcomed. Questions or information, email Isabel at
Saturday, March 18th at 1:30pm
3rd Saturday Art Salon

An afternoon art happening hosted by Artist Jim Fitzgerald, with music, poetry, and of course, visual art! (These images are from February’s art salon.)
Wednesday, March 22nd at 7:00 pm
Fiction Live

Our next Fiction Live will feature a reading from Tom Teti’s recently completed novella Renfield, a spin off of Bram Stoker’s great 19th century novel, Dracula. Renfield brings us face to face with the untold story of the Transylvanian Count’s attempt to get a foothold on England’s shores. Actors Diana Walker, Stephen Novelli, Mr. Teti himself and others will give voice to the written word, and send the voice to waiting ears.
Please join us, if only for the wine and snacks! — Tom
Please note the new time for this program.
Hope to see you soon!