by Sid Baglini
Tuesday, December 29, 7:00 PM

This month, the full moon will be true to its name. With predicted clear skies and a daytime high of 37 degrees, we can expect our evening walk to be under a Cold Moon. Feel free to bring a hot chocolate or coffee along for sipping as we enjoy the moon and Malvern’s festive Christmas lights.
Also known as the Full Long Nights Moon, it shines during the month when the Winter Solstice results in nights that are longest in the Northern Hemisphere, but it also is a fitting name because the Moon shines in the night sky from dusk until dawn. While our days are short-changed on sunlight, we have the benefit of moonlight all through the darkest hours.
The Sioux Tribe called this the Moon When Deer Shed Their Horns, a name that needs no explanation. If you enjoy walks in the woods this time of year, keep an eye out for those antlers which can sometimes be found lying on the forest floor.
One final name we can attach to it this year is The Last Full Moon of the Decade.
We end this first year of walks having never had occasion to walk in the snow under a full Moon, which is one of my favorite experiences. Perhaps January or February will provide us the opportunity to add that to our bucket list of moonlight experiences. For those who are undaunted by the frosty air this week, I look forward to seeing you. For those who prefer the warmth of the hearth to the cold and moonlit darkness, I hope to see you for more Moon walks in 2021.
Where is the meeting spot for the walk to begin? I’d like to join you this month.