Walk When the Moon is Full Wednesday, Sept. 2nd at 8:30 PM
By Sid Baglini

We will finally be able to walk a little earlier this month because darkness will be falling earlier and the moon is rising earlier. Since the spring, all of our walks have been at 9:00 or 9:30 but this one may be more conducive for children.
The September full moon is called the Corn Moon by Native Americans but is often, more familiarly, called by the Anglo-Saxon name, the Harvest Moon. The latter name does not apply this month, because the Harvest Moon is the one closest to the Autumn Equinox and this year, that falls on October 1st. So, we shall have to wait a month to sing a chorus of “Shine On Harvest Moon,” but that gives you more time to rehearse! And while you are practicing, be sure to work on “Blue Moon” because on October 31st, we will experience a Blue Moon (the 2nd full moon to occur in one month).
Corn Moon, of course, refers to the primary harvest the Native Americans gathered this time of year. The other “two sisters”, squash and beans, are also ready for harvest so a full moon allows the farmers to work into the night by the light of the moon. If you don’t know the meaning of “The Three Sisters” in Native American lore, be sure to ask me about it on our walk. Another crop harvested this time of year led to the Old English name: the Barley Moon.
We’ll also have a chance to revisit Jupiter and Saturn, which seem to be hanging steady in the southern sky every night at dusk. The nighttime chorus of crickets and katydids will have intensified since last month, and will provide the soundtrack for our walk.
I hope you can join us for another full moon adventure.