More Programs & Events Offered for February

Malvern Arts has a few more events and programs to tell you about since the last blog post, and a few updates.  Here is an overview; details can be found under the tabs “Ongoing Programs” and “Scheduled Events” at

Upcoming Events

  • Chris Davis will be offering 2 single-session programs in February: Crafty Juggling, a make-your-own juggling balls and learn to juggle session for anyone interested in learning to juggle; and Beginning Circus Skills sessions for kids 6-9 and 10-12, including juggling, plate-spinning, balancing objects, balloon twisting, and more! This could become an ongoing class if there’s enough interest. 
  • Remember PaoliSaturday, February 15th at 1:00 pm A presentation by Jim Christ, President of the Paoli Battlefield Preservation Fund, recounting the events of the Paoli Massacre, a battle of the Revolutionary War that took place right here in Malvern!  There is no cost for this program, but space is limited, so please reserve your seat by emailing Jim at
  • The Concerned Photographer: On Thursday, February 20th at 7:00 pm, internationally-known photographer Sarah Bones ( will give a slide show presentation of her work documenting humanitarian projects for organizations such as Green Peace, World Health, CARE, and Pathways to Housing Philadelphia, followed by  Q&A and discussion.  There is no cost for this program, but space is limited, so please reserve your seat by emailing Sarah at

New Program

  • Walk When the Moon is Full  For children with an adult, but also open to adults blessed with a child-like wonder. Let’s take an evening stroll each month through our neighborhoods and parks to explore the surprises of the various seasons in the moonlight; what may be ordinary in the daylight becomes extraordinary by moonlight. Program Leader Sid Baglini has a background in elementary and adult education and also homeschooled/unschooled her daughter. Starting February 9th at 7:00 pm with the Snow Moon – please see the website for full schedule of dates and times.


  • The Play Reading & Discussion group has chosen a day to meet!  The sessions will take place on the 4th Mondays of the month, 7:00-9:00pm (1/27, 2/23. 3/22…) – For the first meeting, please bring a copy (electronic or paper) of 2 plays by Thornton Wilder: Happy Journey from Trenton to Camden and Our Town
  • Writers’ Workshop – a second organizational meeting will take place this Saturday, January 25th at 11:00am.  This meeting is for writers of every kind to formulate a Writing Workshop – what do we want to do, how often, etc. If you are a writer let’s get together and make something happen.
  • Improv Workshop will begin on Saturday, February 1st at 10:00am.  These sessions have been opened up to all ages, and can be taken for the entire 12 weeks, or as single sessions.
  • Ukulele Club is seeking players! All levels are welcome! Led by accomplished Old-Time musician, Paul Sidlick. Please email Paul at for more information.
  • Beginning Oil Paintingwe are still looking for a few more participants for this class.  If you are interested, please contact Bob Stradling at
  • Malvern Arts is in the early stages of planning a beginning level Watercolor Workshop/Mini-Class. If you are interested, please contact Margaret Weinstein at 

Don’t Forget!

Improv Game Night is Saturday, January 25th at 7:00pm! $5.00 tickets available NOW (online) or at the door. Note, there are limited spaces, to guarantee your spot, buy tickets online at:

Eventbrite link:

Finally, there’s a new section of the website, Occasional Writings, where original writings will be posted from time to time. The first piece is a short story by Malvern’s own Tom Teti, Heavenly Father. (Note: it will be posted later this week.)

1 Comment

  1. I thoroughly enjoyed the “Remember Paoli” lecture on 2/15/2020. Jim Christ was extremely knowledgeable and presented the information in an engaging manner. Also, holding the program on a Saturday afternoon from 1:00 to 2:30 was perfect. Please keep these lectures coming! Thank you.

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