New For January…

As the year begins, so do the programs at Malvern Arts… What’s your interest? Your talent? The thing you always wanted to try? Is it art, music, acting, needlework, writing? There’s a little bit of everything taking form this month, and Malvern Arts is calling on your input and participation. 

Here’s an overview, but please visit www.malvernarts.orgunder the New Programs Tab – for all the details:

  • Ukulele ClubAll ages and skill levelsare invited to come, twice each month to learn, jam and have fun.  All you need to bring is a ukulele and a love of music!
  • Play Reading & Discussion – Once per month, we’ll read a play together, and talk about it. Readers and listeners welcome!  
  • Beginners’ Oil Painting – A class for complete beginners, or those who have just made a start.  In the course we will talk about, demonstrate, and try for ourselves: materials, color mixing, composition, and learning to see as an artist.  
  • Improvisation Workshop for ages 8-18 — Just as athletes need to train and prepare for their particular sport, it is also necessary to practice skills that prepare us for the challenges of life. This introductory improvisational workshop is designed to introduce particular life skills through this artistic medium. 
  • Writers’ GroupSATURDAY, JANUARY 18TH AT 11:00 AM This is a gathering of people who write – any form, any experience level – to put our heads together and form a series of workshops, or maybe a weekly exchange of ideas … Bring your thoughts and interests, and let’s get something going … 
  • Textile Gatherings – On the 2nd Tuesday of each month (next dates are January 14th, February 11th and March 10th), quilters, knitters, needlepointers, crocheters, sewers, embroiderers, cross-stitchers, and all sorts of textile makers and artists meet for conversation, a chance to make new friends and to spend some time working alongside others who share your interests. All forms and experience levels welcome! Meeting times are both in the afternoon from 3 to 5 p.m., and in the evening from 7:30 until 9 p.m. 


  1. I’m hoping to see some classes for watercolor artists as well as a biweekly group of artists who get together to draw or paint, probably in the same medium. I am a colored pencil botanical artist and would love a group of like minded souls, but I’m also planning to pick up my unused watercolor skills again.

    Looking forward to participating

    1. Please send me a message with your phone number in the Contact Us form so I can call you to discuss your ideas. Leora

  2. Just excited to see this in our community. Love the play reading program—can’t wait for details. Maybe we could have some films and discussions too.

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