Fiction Live Returns With A Tale of Spring

Wednesday, March 26th at 6:30 PM


We have survived the winter – barely – and are shamelessly but gutsily planning on a season going upward and outward in 2025. Spring is just about nigh and we will flaunt our love of the season by reading a story that will give due diligence to winter as we wave to it on its way out. 

TOM TETI invites you to join him on March 26th at 6:30 at the newly spruced up, fantastic Knots and Weaves Decorative Rug Store on King Street in Malvern to hear him read another story he wrote, if you can stand it! 

FOURTEEN MILES FROM WADENA is the title of the tale. We’ll journey to a colder place and pretend it’s really far away! We head to the snows of Minnesota and find a woman with a big heart, an injured dear, and a compassionate state trooper. Oops, we meant DEER, not dear, though if you ask the woman…


               Knots and Weaves Decorative Rugs

               218 E. King Street, Malvern


               Wednesday March 26th, at 6:30, 

Pour yourself a nice plastic cup of wine (it’s free!), maybe we give you a cookie, and maybe they’ll be music, and you can bring anything you want to share with your intrepid fellows

The tale begins at 7PM

We say goodnight at 8 – no sleeping on the rugs, unless you do it during the reading!

You know our motto: Sit, Sip, Listen!

Can’t wait to see you again!

— Tom

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