FictionLive friends, we will be harkening back to a famous July in our past, 1969!
You are again invited to Knots and Weaves Decorative Rug store on Wednesday, July 31st at 6:30 PM to finish the wine you left last time, open some more, and have cookies or crackers or something and hear a story of boldness and ridiculous circumstance written by Tom Teti.
DRIVE-IN CLAMS, or Sex, Drugs and a Man on the Moon
will be the program, and Tom will take us back to the sixties and a simpler time, (which is hard to believe if you think about it!). Whether you’re an ex-hippie, a hippie wanabe, or a geriatric hippie right now, you’ll want to join us in a return to everyone’s misspent youth, an Italian family barbecue and Moon Walk.
Did we mention Italian? Yes, Italian!
will make their first appearance at FictionLive! performing Italian favorites.
Music, and beauty and wine…

We’re so sympatico; we hope you can be there!
Where: Knots & Weaves Decorative Rugs, 218 East King Street, Malvern When: Wednesday, July 31st at 6:30 pm, but come earlier if you like!
No charge, Complimentary wine & snacks, We throw you out at 8! Sit, sip and listen! See you then...