Just an update about Fiction Live this Thursday, June 27th, to further entice you to join us… Musicians Margaret and Paul Sidlick will be joined by wonderful fiddler Mark Piro, playing traditional tunes from the Southern Appalachians and the Midwest on fiddle, banjo, mandolin and guitar. Hope to see you at 6:30 pm at Knots and Weaves Decorative Rugs, 218 E King Street, Malvern.

Thanks to all the intrepid friends who braved inclement weather to help kick off our 2024 series of readings. You were great!
Please be advised you are again welcome at Knots and Weaves Decorative Rug store on Thursday, June 27 at 6:30 PM to finish the wine you left last time, open some more, and have cookies (maybe) and crackers (maybe) and nuts (maybe) and hear two stories of magnificent brevity both authored by Tom Teti.
The program will stroll into senior citizen territory this time, with Tom first reading The Long Arm of Ed. Then we are ever so fortunate to have guest reader Marcia Saunders pairing with Tom to read his recent story Morning, or Mourning. This treatment will feature these two People’s Light actors with a long history of performing in tandem on stage, trying a new form together.
There will be music with Margaret and Paul Sidlick, making their first appearance at FictionLive! We don’t know what they’re going to do either, but-
We’re excited; we hope you can be there.
There will be music in the air, too, thanks to the talents of Joey Ryan.
Don’t not come!
218 East King Street, Malvern PA
When: Thursday June 27th at 6:30, but come earlier if you like
No charge, complimentary wine and snacks
We throw you out at 8!
Sit, sip and listen!
See you then!