by Sid Baglini
Saturday, October 28th, 2023
7:00 P.M.

Under this Full Hunter’s Moon, we will be hunting the pleasures of an evening stroll through the Borough with like-minded night sky enthusiasts. But the name Hunter’s Moon refers to the time of year when game like deer, turkey, pheasant and squirrel are plump with the bounty of autumn fruits and nuts, and when stockpiling protein sources for the winter months was a necessary chore. The moonlit fields and the defoliated woodlands allow hunters to see their quarry after dusk when many creatures are actively feeding. Since the lunar light made success more likely, this was also referred to as the Full Blood Moon and the Moon When They Store Food in Caches or the Moon When Someone Stores Food.
Naturally, there are other names affiliated with this month’s Full Moon. For those who prefer a less violent name, you can choose from The Migrating Moon, The Freezing Moon, or the very descriptive Falling Leaves Moon and Moon When the Wind Shakes Off Leaves. More simply, it can just be called The Seed Moon because most plants, after a summer of energetic growth, have gone to seed for the year with their mission accomplished!
The Orionid Meteor Shower has been visible since September 26th, peaking a week ago on the 20-21st, but remnants of it will be active until November 22nd. The light of a Full Moon and the ambient light from our houses and commercial district limit the likelihood of our seeing one, but we’ll keep our fingers crossed.
On the night of our walk, the Moon will rise near Jupiter just after sunset, and the two will travel in tandem through the night sky. We may also get a look at Saturn.
Come along with us for a lively excursion under the full Hunter’s Moon and as an added delight, we can get a preview of all the Halloween decorations that will thrill the younger night walkers on the 31st. There won’t be any tricks but we will have a treat in store for you. We meet at the chairs behind Borough Hall, and parking is available on First Avenue and Channing Avenue.
Don’t forget: Join us for a frightening night of scary stories — Fiction Live! is tomorrow night, Thursday, October 26th, at 6:30 PM at Knots & Weaves Decorative Rug Store, 218 E King Street, Malvern.