Friday, June 2nd at 6:00 pm
Fiction Live

Fiction Live returns to the wonderful Knots and Weaves Decorative Rugs this month, where Tom Teti will read from his novel in-progress, DIDYMUS, the TWIN, A Story of Jesus of Nazareth and His Apostles, as Told By His Disciple Thomas to His Friend Rai. Sip some wine and travel back to one of the heightened events of the 1st Century. Tom’s reading will lead up to and center around the Sermon on the Mount. See you there!
Knots and Weaves Decorative Rugs is located at 218 East King Street, Malvern.
Saturday, June 3rd at 8:45 pm
Walk When the Moon is Full – June’s Strawberry Moon

We hope you can join us for our walk which will include some fresh strawberries and, weather permitting, some serious Moon gazing.
Since Malvern Arts is no longer housed at the Baptist Church, starting this month we will be meeting on the lawn behind Borough Hall, which is just across First Avenue from the church parking lot, where we used to meet. Please park along First Avenue or in the library parking lot.
Tuesday, June 6th at 3:00 pm
MA Textiles

Do you love any form of needlework—or would you like to learn? Join us each month for a delightful afternoon of stitching, conversation, and refreshments. If you’ve never held a needle, are a master of needle skills, or somewhere in-between, if you’re interested, you will be welcomed. Questions or information, email Isabel at
Quilt by Megan Fruchter
June Dates To Be Announced
MA Community Choir

Malvern Arts has started a high quality community choir. This is a special opportunity to work on music from many genres with Renee Robinson-Way, a professional director, arranger, vocalist, accompanist and vocal coach. Come sing with us!
For information about joining the choir, please email Leora at
Visual Art – Malvern Arts is looking for venues!

Art brings a lot of positivity and joy to a community, and we at Malvern Arts are looking to share this experience with you in a unique salon style. Do you have (or know of) a space that would host an art exhibit? Malvern Arts is looking for donated sites to host pop-up art shows featuring area artists. Art shows can integrate with many kinds of spaces (retail, restaurant, an empty storefront), anywhere with free walls that can be made available to the public for specified hours. Your help and suggestions are welcome! Contact us at – let’s make something happen!
Hope to see you soon!