March 12 – 18, 2023
Tuesday, March 14, 3:00 – 5:00 pm
Malvern Arts Textiles

Do you love any form of needlework—or would you like to learn? Join us each month for a delightful afternoon of stitching, conversation, and refreshments. If you’ve never held a needle, are a master of needle skills, or somewhere in-between, if you’re interested, you will be welcomed. Questions or information, email Isabel at
Saturday, March 18, 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm
3rd Saturday Art Salon

It’s another afternoon art happening hosted by Artist Jim Fitzgerald, with music, poetry, and of course, visual art! (These images are from February’s art salon.)
Coming up later this month:
Sunday, March 19, 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Community Choir

Come sing with us! Malvern Arts is forming a high quality community choir. This is a special opportunity to work on music from many genres with Renee Robinson-Way, a professional director, arranger, vocalist, accompanist and vocal coach.
Choir rehearsals are every other Sunday at 6:00 pm.
Wednesday, March 22, 6:00 pm
Fiction Live

This month, Fiction Live will meet at Knots and Weaves Decorative Rug Store, 218 East King Street, Malvern. The evening will begin at 6:00 with wine & appetizers and rug browsing, followed by the program: a reading from Tom Teti’s recently completed novella Renfield, a spin-off of Bram Stoker’s great 19th century novel, Dracula. Renfield brings us face to face with the untold story of the Transylvanian Count’s attempt to get a foothold on England’s shores. Actors Diana Walker, Stephen Novelli, Mr. Teti himself and others will give voice to the written word, and send the voice to waiting ears.
Please note the change of meeting time and place for March’s Fiction Live. There is a parking available in a lot behind the store, or along King Street. Join us, if only for the wine and snacks!
Hope to see you soon!