by Sid Baglini
FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 2023 at 7:00 P.M.

Under this Full Wolf Moon, we will celebrate the beginning of our 4th year of these walks sponsored by Malvern Arts. We have a loyal group of “moonatics” but our ranks are always increased by curious new walkers or visitors. Winter walks may sound daunting but as they say in Scandinavian countries, “There is no bad weather; just bad clothing.” So dig out your woolies and we predict that the exercise and the camaraderie will help keep you comfortable.
The indigenous people knew that this was a starving time for all creatures. The predators, especially wolves, approached nearer to the tribal encampments looking for food and their howls broke the intense silence of the night. It is also the time of year when wolves are breeding and the howls are more prolonged and aggressive in order to declare their territory. The Full Wolf Moon pays tribute to that prominent presence of their canine neighbors..
Other names our First Nations people gave to this Full Moon all have something to do with the fearsome temperatures: “Hard Moon”, “Severe Moon”, “Frost Exploding Moon”, “Freeze Up Moon” or “Cold Moon” tell the story of how winter’s hardships dominated their lives. Names that do not refer to the intense cold are “The Old Moon”, “The Moon After Yule” and “The Center Moon” which reflects the fact that this full moon occurs in the middle of winter.
This will be a “Micromoon” because the Full Moon will take place when the Moon is at the furthest point in its orbit from the Earth. It is also called an “Apogee Moon” because the furthest and nearest points in the orbit are called the apogee and perigee respectively. It will appear slightly smaller and less bright than usual.
We look forward to seeing you for the kick off of our 4th year of Moon Walks. Join us on the 6th for our moonlit meanderings through Malvern. We meet at the entrance to Malvern Arts by the parking lot of the Baptist Church at 1st Ave. and Channing Ave. Predicted weather conditions make walking dangerous so please check for any last-minute cancellation notification.
Mark your calendar for these January Programs:
- Wednesday, 1/4 – Forgotten Films A Beautiful Mind at 7:15 pm
- Friday, 1/6 – Walk When the Moon is Full The Full Wolf Moon at 7:00 pm
- Tuesday 1/10 – Malvern Arts Textiles at 3:00 pm
- Wednesday 1/11 – Play Reading (play selection TBA) at 7:00 pm
- and… January Date TBA (3rd or 4th week of the month) – Fiction Live at 6:30 pm