Malvern Arts’ lineup for the fall includes an art exhibit and two new programs – Play Reading and Community Choir! Read on for details.
FORGOTTEN FILMS: First Wednesdays of the Month at 7:15 pm. Next meeting 11/2.
The selection for November is the 1964 crime-comedy, Topkapi. A small-time con man with passport problems gets mixed up with a gang of world-class jewelry thieves plotting to rob the Topkapi museum in Istanbul. Starring Melina Mercouri, Peter Ustinov and Maxmillian Schell.
FICTION LIVE: Next meeting Thursday, 11/3, 6:30 pm
Author/Actor Tom Teti presents live readings – sometimes of his short stories or novel-in-progress, and sometimes, a Pot Luck, where you are invited to read a short selection from a favorite author, or an original piece you’d like to share. With refreshments, snacks, and conversation! For the next meeting, Tom will bring some more of his novel about the Apostles narrated by Saint Thomas to the light of our times.
WALK WHEN THE MOON IS FULL: Next meeting: 11/7, 7 pm, The Beaver Moon.
Evening strolls through our neighborhoods and parks to explore the surprises of the various seasons as illuminated by moonlight. What may be ordinary in the daylight becomes extraordinary by moonlight. We meet in the parking lot of the First Baptist Church at the corner of Channing and 1st Avenues.
MALVERN ARTS TEXTILES: Second Tuesdays of the Month, 3-5pm. Next meeting: 11/8.
Do you love any form of needlework—or would you like to learn? Join us each month for a delightful afternoon of stitching, conversation, and refreshments. If you’ve never held a needle, are a master of needle skills, or somewhere in between, if you’re interested, you will be welcomed. Questions or information, email Isabel Leininger at malvernartstextiles@earthlink.net
PLAY READING: Second Wednesdays of the Month 7-9 pm. Next meeting: 11/9*.
Do you enjoy reading plays? So do we! Plays are chosen and announced ahead of time, so you can familiarize yourselves with the material. This program is for adults and teens, no experience required. Listeners are also welcome – there is no obligation to read.
*For November, we will be reading a translation of The Misanthrope by Moliere, set in the present era. Please email Leora at info@malvernarts.org for a pdf file of the translation we will be using.
IMPROV GAMES: Monthly, dates vary, 6-8 pm. Next meeting: 11/12, 6-8 pm.
Join the Last-Minute Replacements Improv Comedy troupe in playing some short form improv games! Beginner and experienced improvisers welcome! (Please note: due to the nature of improv comedy, participants must be age 18 or older.) This event is only $5!
VISUAL ART EXHIBIT: Come see the work of local visual artists!

November 19-20: Flowers, Trees, People and More by Shanthi Manickam
Gallery Hours Saturday, 11/19: 4pm – 7 pm and Sunday, 11/20, 3pm – 7 pm.
ALCHEMY BY NIMRAT: Alchemy by Nimrat is an art studio, open for viewing, talking about and soon, making visual art! Malvern resident/artist Nimrat Sandhu welcomes you to her studio – drop by, have a chat and see projects-in-progress on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons, 12:00-3:00.
COMMUNITY CHOIR: Do you love to sing? Malvern Arts is hoping to start a high-quality community choir. We will meet at twice a month on days to be agreed upon. A $20 per month charge is anticipated. This is a special opportunity to work on music from many genres with Renee Robinson-Way, a professional director, arranger, vocalist, accompanist and vocal coach.
About Renee: RENEE ROBINSON-WAY attended the Creative and Performing Arts High School in Philadelphia, and studied Music Education (Vocal) at West Chester University. Renee has graced many stages around the world, and performed with such artists as JOSH GROBAN, STEPHANIE MILLS, TEDDY PENDERGRASS, BARRY MANILOW, BOBBY Mc FERRIN and many more. Renee was LESLIE ODOM JR.’S first voice teacher and has also taught or worked alongside BOYZ II MEN, JILL SCOTT, JUSTIN GUARRINI, BILAL, GROVER WASHINGTON JR… and the list goes on…
If there are enough people interested in forming a choir, Leora Marion will contact you to meet and sing with Renee at a special introductory meeting. Please email Leora at info@malvernarts.org to let her know your interest and give your contact information.