by Sid Baglini
Monday, June 13, 2022, 8:30 pm

This month the full moon peaks at 7:52 A.M. but will not rise in our part of the world until 9:19 P.M. It takes at least half an hour for it to be visible above the trees and homes of Malvern which would mean we would not be “walking under a full moon” until close to 10:00 P.M. For that reason, we have decided to walk the night before when the moon will rise at 8:03 P.M. and will appear full. However, this is a Super Moon when the full moon is close to the Earth in its elliptical path and appears larger than normal. If you want to experience the Super Moon, you should plan to take a walk or step outside about 10 P.M. on the 14th.
The Algonquin name for this month’s full Moon is The Strawberry Moon. Those who love the crimson fruit know that the season is short and June is the month to eat your fill! While we dine on the plump commercial fruits, a sharp eye will spot the ripe wild strawberries growing in many lawns that have not been sprayed with herbicides. These little gems inspired Native Americans to christen a full Moon in their honor.
As always, we have other names including The Fruits Are Small Moon (Mohawk) and The Green Corn Moon (Cherokee). European and Colonial names include “Mead Moon” and since many choose to marry in June, The Honeymoon. There are still references to The Egg Laying Moon, The Birth Moon and The Hatching Moon which reflect the prodigious new life during this time of transition to full summer. Not to be omitted is The Hoer Moon, a warning to those of us who garden or farm that the crops need tending or the weeds will prevail. Finally, there is the all too accurate name The Hot Moon.
For those who are early risers and are fans of the planets, this month provides a rare opportunity to see Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn aligned in the eastern sky. The best time is about 30 minutes before sunrise and if you want the icing on the cake, make sure you are up on June 24th when the waning crescent moon will take up a position between Venus and Mars. The next time you will see the planets aligned like this is 2040. If you have binoculars, this is a good time to use them.
We hope you can join us for the last of our spring moon walks (the summer solstice marking the beginning of summer will occur in Malvern on Tuesday, June 21 at 5:14 A.M.) when we will enjoy the longest day of our 12 moon walks this year. We meet at the door of Malvern Arts by the parking lot at Channing and First Avenues.