by Sid Baglini

Come walk with us under The Full Snow Moon. This is a name that needs no explanation other than that the month of February is usually the snowiest month in the northern hemisphere. That said, if the weather gurus are correct we could have some fairly balmy temperatures for our walk.
Other names for this full Moon are The Hunger Moon and The Bony Moon referring to the results of a dire lack of food this time of year. Various Native American tribes ascribed animal names including The Bald Eagle Moon, The Raccoon Moon, The Groundhog Moon and The Goose Moon, presumably because of the presence of these animals during this time of year. Reference to the renewal of life results in The Bear Moon as cubs are born at this time of year. It is also The Storm Moon due to the frequency of winter storms.
While we usually enjoy the company of a few planets and less commonly a meteor shower or the International Space Station, this month finds our fellow planets only visible in the early morning hours. It’s always possible to spot the random meteor in the night sky but our walk does not coincide with any of the frequent meteor showers. Their absence will simply mean we can spend more time focused on the splendor of the full moon. If clear skies prevail, we can also enjoy the increased number of stars now visible above Malvern due to the low humidity.
I hope you can join us this Wednesday, February 16th, at 6:45 for some moon related camaraderie, a bit of science and some folklore for good measure. We gather at the parking lot on the south side of the Baptist Church at the corner of 1st Avenue and Channing Avenue. If you can’t join us, you can step outside anytime during the night of the 16th to see this full moon since it rises before sunset and sets just after sunrise. Whether walking with us or just gazing from your yard, happy moon viewing this month!
I hope to be there. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I’ve really enjoyed the information you’ve shared and the community of moon watchers you’ve gathered together. Kathy Summers
Looking forward to tonight and hope we will see you, Kathy. Thank you for your encouragement.